HistoryQuest, Corp.
Monticello in Charlottesville, Virginia has been taken hostage by an unknown group of assailants. Additionally, the original charter of the 1st National Bank was stolen from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. In their place was left the following clue.
Solve it to enter Monticello:
Contradictions constitutional...liberties denied?
A number that shows supremacy...
and another liberty legacy...
enter both with the code to get inside
Because of your experience with the Dark One in HistoryQuest I, HistoryQuest, Corp. has asked your team to attempt to enter Monticello and retrieve the National Bank artifact.
Mission 2 - Boundless Fields of Power
Agents....remember the underlying motive of this "DarkOne"....to disrupt and alter key moments in history...Consider the key moments in each of these early presdiencies and think about both Mount Vernon and Monticello....we suspect there may be traps related to these places!
Mission Resource Links
Washington's Mount Vernon
The Presidency:
Washington to Monroe
Focus on Jefferson
Good Luck!
Boundless Fields of Power....